Nicholas Deeley - CFA, financial analyst, and managerial level employ at Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan (OTPP).

Stop Nick Deeley Initiative aims at raising funds to undertake a legal action related to Mr. Nick Deeley’s conduct during his employment at the organization.

Conduct of the Mr. Nick Deeley gave rise to life altering events, causing pain, suffering, and financial losses.

The initiative believes that the type of conduct in question is wrongful and Mr. Nick Deeley ought to be brought to justice.

The initiative is seeking to establish legal precedent as the type of conduct has been hurtful to many individuals in general. The reckless and self-serving conduct is ought to cease.

Victims of such conduct often suffer from loss of self-esteem and their lives become jeopardized.

The anticipated allegations are expected to read along the lines outlined below.

Nick Deeley engaged into extramarital affairs with intent of inflicting damage to family members of an OTPP employ of lower rank.

Relationships may have challenging periods. Nick Deeley exploited the difficulties to facilitate break up for personal gain. 

The Nick Deeley's conduct would amount to abuse of vulnerable persons and child abuse.

Nick Deeley breached trust by engaging into malicious activity directed at stakeholders of the organization.

Nick Deeley failed to take responsibility for the financial burden arising from his actions. The conduct implies he would be the kind of man who likes going out on a date and have fun, but leaves conveniently forgetting to pay the bill thinking that somebody else got to cover it.

OTPP enabled its employ to abuse his employment and status to engage into malicious acts inflicting pain, suffering and financial costs.  

OTPP failed to have preventative measures in place.

Nick Deeley's conduct is unethical. Finance is the line of business placing significant stress on ethical conduct. Ethics is a part of CFA curriculum.  

To donate or assist with legal matters, please use contact page to get in touch.

Nick Deeley Initiative, 2014